12 Months Old Baby Girl Weight

In the United States, the average baby weighs about 7 pounds 3 ounces (3.3 kg) at birth. Where does your baby fall on the growth charts and what happens next? This article covers average height and weight for kids from birth to age 8, factors that affect growth, and what growth percentiles mean.

Lots of parents wonder whether their child is bigger or smaller than other kids their age. The charts below give you an idea of how your child's weight and height (length for babies) compare to the average weight and height of children in their age group.

The numbers in these charts are just a benchmark. It's likely your child's weight and height is higher or lower than the average. If so, don't worry – it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your child.

Children grow at different rates, and it's normal for weight and height to vary significantly between kids of the same age. What's more important is that your child is growing steadily.

Your child's healthcare provider will weigh and measure him during each well-child visit to make sure his growth is on track. (If your child is 24 months old or younger, she'll also measure your baby's head circumference, which provides information about his growing brain). Be sure to talk with the doctor if you have any concerns about your child's growth.

For more personalized information about how your child's size compares to other children's, and to track your child's height and weight over time, check out our child growth chart calculator.

Here's more information about growth charts and understanding the results.

Average baby weight and length chart by month

In the United States, the average baby weighs about 7 pounds 3 ounces (3.3 kg) at birth. Girls (at 7 pounds, 1 ounce/3.2 kg) are a bit smaller than boys (at 7 pounds 4 ounces/3.3 kg) on arrival. The average newborn is 19 1/2 inches (49.5 cm) long, with girls measuring 19 inches (49 cm) and boys measuring 19 3/4 inches (50 cm).

While most babies (both formula and breastfed) lose weight during the first few days of life, within a couple of weeks they're back to their birth weight. Until 3 months of age, most babies gain about an ounce each day. By age 4 months, most infants have doubled their birth weight, and by 1 year, most have tripled it. Most babies also grow about 10 inches (25 cm) by their first birthday.

Keep in mind that babies and children have growth spurts, too – which means that growth isn't always a gradual, predictable process. Just when you start to wonder whether your child has grown enough lately, he may climb the charts!

The data in the charts below comes from the World Health Organization for children younger than 2, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for children age 2 and older.

Quick tip: For babies born prematurely, use gestational age (not age since birth) when you look up their numbers in this chart. You can also find growth charts specifically for preterm infants here. If you have a special-needs child, your doctor may give you a different chart.

Age Size Boys Girls
Birth Weight 7 lb 4 oz (3.3 kg) 7 lb 1oz (3.2 kg)
Length 19 3/4 inches (49.9 cm) 19 1/4 inches (49.1 cm)
1 month Weight 9 lb 15 oz (4.5 kg) 9 lb 4 oz (4.2 kg)
Length 21 1/2 in (54.7 cm) 21 in (53.7 cm)
2 months Weight 12 lb 6 oz (5.6 kg) 11 lb 4 oz (5.1 kg)
Length 22 3/4 in (57.9 cm) 22 1/2 in (57.1 cm)
3 months Weight 14 lb 2 oz (6.4 kg) 12 lb 13 oz (5.8 kg)
Length 24 in (60.8 cm) 23 1/2 in (59.8 cm)
4 months Weight 15 lb 7 oz (7 kg) 14 lb 2 oz (6.4 kg)
Length 25 1/4 in (63.9 cm) 24 1/2 in (62.1 cm)
5 months Weight 16 lb 9 oz (7.5 kg) 15 lb 3 oz (6.9 kg)
Length 26 in (65.9 cm) 25 1/4 in (64 cm)
6 months Weight 17 lb 7 oz (7.9 kg) 16 lb 2 oz (7.3 kg)
Length 26 1/2 in (67.6 cm) 26 in (65.7 cm)
7 months Weight 18 lb 5 oz (8.3 kg) 16 lb 12 oz (7.6 kg)
Length 27 1/4 in (69.2 cm) 26 1/2 in (67.3 cm)
8 months Weight 18 lb 15 oz (8.6 kg) 17 lb 7 oz (7.9 kg)
Length 27 3/4 in (70.6 cm) 27 in (68.7 cm)
9 months Weight 19 lb 10 oz (8.9 kg) 18 lb 2 oz (8.2 kg)
Length 28 1/4 in (72 cm) 27 1/2 in (70.1 cm)
10 months Weight 20 lb 5 oz (9.2 kg) 18 lb 12 oz (8.5 kg)
Length 29 in (73.3 cm) 28 1/4 in (71.5 cm)
11 months Weight 20 lb 12 oz (9.4 kg) 19 lb 3 oz (8.7 kg)
Length 29 1/4 in (74.5 cm) 28 3/4 in (72.8 cm)

Want more information about how babies grow and develop before age 1? Find out about your baby's developmental milestones and how much your baby will grow in the first year. You can also check whether your newborn's weight gain is healthy or not.

Typical toddler weights and heights

Between 12 and 24 months, most toddlers grow about 4 or 5 inches (10 to 12 cm) and gain about 5 pounds (2.27 kg). Your little one will start looking more like a child than a baby as he starts to slim down a bit and become more muscular.

Age Size Boys Girls
12 months Weight 21 lb 3 oz (9.6 kg) 19 lb 10 oz (8.9 kg)
Height 30 in (75.7 cm) 29 in (74 cm)
15 months Weight 22 lb 11 oz (10.3 kg) 21 lb 3 oz (9.6 kg)
Height 31 in (79.1 cm) 30 1/2 in (77.5 cm)
18 months Weight 24 lb 1 oz (10.9 kg) 22 lb 8 oz (10.2 kg)
Height 32 1/2 in (82.3 cm) 31 3/4 in (80.7 cm)
21 months Weight 25 lb 6 oz (11.5 kg) 24 lb 1 oz (10.9 kg)
Height 33 1/2 in (85.1 cm) 33 in (83.7 cm)
22 months Weight 26 lb (11.8 kg) 24 lb 8 oz (11.1 kg)
Height 34 in (86 cm) 33 1/4 in (84.6 cm)
23 months Weight 26 lb 7 oz (12 kg) 24 lb 15 oz (11.3 kg)
Height 34 1/4 in (86.9 cm) 33 1/2 in (85.5 cm)

Preschooler weight and height chart

Most children gain about 4.4 pounds each year between the ages of 2 years and puberty. They also grow 3 inches (8 cm) in height between 2 and 3 years old, and 2 3/4 inches (7 cm) between 3 and 4 years old. You might not think it to look at them, but by 24 to 30 months, children reach half their adult height.

Age Size Boys Girls
2 years Weight 28 lb (12.7 kg) 26 lb 11 oz (12.1 kg)
Height 2 ft 11 in (87.7 cm) 2 ft 10 in (86.2 cm)
2 ½ years Weight 30 pounds (13.6 kg) 28 lb 11 oz (13 kg)
Height 3 ft (92.1cm) 3 ft (91.1 cm)
3 years Weight 31 lb 12oz (14.4 kg) 30 lb 10 oz (13.9 kg)
Height 3 ft 2 in (95.3 cm) 3 ft 1 in (94.2 cm)
3 ½ years Weight 33 lb 12 oz (15.3 kg) 32 lb 14 oz (14.9 kg)
Height 3 ft 3 in (99 cm) 3 ft 2 in (97.6 cm)
4 years Weight 35 lb 15 oz (16.3 kg) 35 lb 1 oz (15.9 kg)
Height 3 ft 4 in (102.5 cm) 3 ft 4 in (101 cm)
4 ½ years Weight 38 lb 6 oz (17.4 kg) 37 lb 4 oz (16.9 kg)
Height 3 ft 6 in (105.9 cm) 3 ft 5 in (104.5 cm)

Big kid weight and height averages

Between the ages of 5 and 8 years, children grow about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 cm) per year. They also gain between 4 and 7 pounds (2-3 kg) per year between the ages of 6 and puberty.

Age Size Boys Girls
5 years Weight 40 lb 13 oz (18.5 kg) 39 lb 11 oz (18 kg)
Height 3 ft 7 in (109.2 cm) 3 ft 7 in (108 cm)
6 years Weight 45 lb 14 oz (20.8 kg) 44 lb 12 oz (20.3 kg)
Height 3 ft 10 in (115.7 cm) 3 ft 9 in (115 cm)
7 years Weight 51 lb 2 oz (23.2 kg) 50 lb 8 oz (22.9 kg)
Height 4 ft (122 cm) 4 ft (121.8 cm)
8 years Weight 56 lb 14 oz (25.8 kg) 56 lb 14 oz (25.8 kg)
Height 4 ft 2 in (128.1 cm) 4 ft 2 in (127.8 cm)

What factors can affect my child's weight and height?

Your child's genes are the biggest factor determining how tall he'll get and how heavy he'll be. But there are other factors, too:

  • Gestation. If your baby arrived after her due date, she may be larger than average, and if she was born prematurely, she'll probably be smaller. (Because multiples are typically born early, they tend to be smaller, too.)
  • Your pregnancy health. If you smoked or ate poorly during pregnancy, you're more likely to give birth to a smaller baby. If you gained a great deal of weight during pregnancy or had gestational diabetes , you're more likely to give birth to a larger baby.
  • Gender: Baby girls are typically a little smaller (length and weight) at birth than baby boys.
  • Breastfed or formula fed. In their first year, breastfed infants will gain weight more slowly than formula-fed infants, who will gain weight more rapidly after about 3 months of age. (For the first few months, the breastfed babies grow more quickly.) By age 2, breastfed and formula-fed babies weigh about the same.
  • Hormones. If your child has a hormone imbalance, such as low growth hormone levels or a low thyroid level, it could slow his growth.
  • Medications. Certain medications, such as regular use of corticosteroids, might slow growth.
  • Health issues. If your child has a chronic illness (such as cancer, kidney disease, or cystic fibrosis), or any disorder affecting his ability to eat or absorb nutrients (such as gastrointestinal problems), his growth might be slowed.
  • Genetic conditions. Beyond your child's general genetic makeup (you and his dad are tall, for example), having certain genetic conditions – such as Down syndrome, Noonan syndrome, or Turner syndrome – could affect his growth.
  • Sleep. Babies grow after sleeping, so if your baby's a good sleeper, he may also be a good grower!

What do growth chart percentiles mean?

Growth charts give you a general idea of how your child is growing. They use percentiles to compare your baby's growth to other babies of the same age and sex.

The charts below show the height and weight (or length, for babies) for children of both genders in the 50th percentile, which is the average. Anything higher means your child is larger than average. Anything lower means he is smaller than average.

For example, if your 2-month-old daughter weighs 13 pounds, she is heavier than average. If she is 20 inches long, she is smaller than average.

Your doctor will normally calculate your child's weight and height as a percentile. If your child is in the 75th percentile for weight, for example, that means 74 percent of children her age and gender weigh less, and 24 percent weigh more.

Doctors typically use different growth charts depending on your child's age. Children younger than 2 are measured using charts from the World Health Organization (WHO), which are based on healthy growth patterns for breastfed children and endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Once your child turns 2, your doctor will probably use the CDC's growth charts.

Learn more:

What growth chart numbers really mean

Child Growth Chart Calculator

The right way to measure your child

Failure to gain weight

Helping an overweight child

Chart: Average fetal length and weight

Do breastfed babies grow more slowly at first?

I'm worried my baby's too fat

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12 Months Old Baby Girl Weight

Source: https://www.babycenter.com/baby/baby-development/average-weight-and-growth-chart-for-babies-toddlers-and-beyo_10357633

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