How to Never Be Afriad Again

Fortunately, all fears are learned; no 1 is born with fears. Fears can therefore be unlearned by practicing self subject repeatedly with regard to fear until it goes away.

The most common fears that we experience, which often sabotage all hope for success, are the fears of failure, poverty, and loss of money. These fears cause people to avoid take chances of whatever kind and to reject opportunity when information technology is presented to them. They are so afraid of failure that they are almost paralyzed when information technology comes to taking whatever chances at all.

There are many other fears that interfere with our happiness. besides. People fear the loss of love or the loss of their jobs and their financial security. People fright embarrassment or ridicule. People fear rejection and criticism of whatever kind. People fear the loss of respect or esteem of others. These and many other fears hold united states back throughout life.

Fear Paralyzes Action

The most common reaction in a fear situation is the mental attitude of, "I can't!" This is the fear of failure and loss that stops us from taking activity. It is experienced physically, starting in the solar plexus. When people are really afraid, their oral cavity and pharynx go dry, their middle starts pounding. Sometimes they exhale shallowly and their stomach churns. Often they experience similar getting up and running to the bathroom.

These are all physical manifestations of the inhibitive negative habit pattern, which we all feel from time to time. Whenever a person is in the grip of fear, he feels like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. This fearfulness paralyzes activity. It often shuts downwardly the brain and causes the individual to revert to the "fight-or-flight" reaction.  Fear is a terrible emotion that undermines our happiness and can hold the states dorsum throughout our lives.

Visualize Yourself equally Unafraid

By visualizing yourself performing with confidence and competence in an area where you lot are fearful, your visual image will eventually exist accepted by your subconscious heed equally instructions for your performance. Yourself image, the way you see yourself and think about yourself, is eventually contradistinct by feeding your listen these positive mental pictures of yourself performing at your best.

By using the "deed as if" method, you walk, talk, and carry yourself exactly as you would if you were completely unafraid in a particular situation. You stand up straight, smile, motility quickly and confidently, and in every respect act as if you already had the courage that you desire.

The Police force of Reversibility says that "if you feel a certain way, you lot will act in a fashion consequent with that feeling."  But if yous human activity in a manner consistent with that feeling, even if you don't feel it, the Law of Reversibility will create the feeling that is consistent with your actions.

This is i of the greatest breakthroughs in success psychology. You lot develop the backbone you lot desire by disciplining yourself repeatedly to do the thing yous fear until that fear eventually disappears—and information technology will.

Confront Your Fears

Your ability to confront, deal with, and act in spite of your fears is the key to happiness and success. Ane of the all-time exercises you tin can practice is to identify a person or situation in your life of which you are afraid and resolve to deal with that fear situation immediately. Do not let information technology to make y'all unhappy for another minute. Resolve to confront the situation or person and put the fearfulness behind you.

Motion Toward the Fear

When you identify a fear and discipline yourself to move toward information technology, information technology grows smaller and more manageable. What's more, every bit your fears grow smaller, your confidence grows.  Before long, your fears lose their control over you.

In contrast, when yous back away from a fright-inducing situation or person, your fear grows big r and larger .  Shortly it dominates your thinking and feeling, preoccupies you during the day, and often keeps you awake at dark.

Bargain With the Fear Directly

The only mode to bargain with a fear is to accost it head-on. Remind yourself that "denial" is not a river in Egypt. The natural tendency of many people is to deny that they accept a problem acquired by fear of some kind.  They're afraid of against it. In turn, it becomes a major source of stress, unhappiness, and psychosomatic illness.

Exist willing to deal with the situation or person directly.  Equally Shakespeare said, "Take arms confronting a bounding main of troubles, and in so doing, end them."

When you lot forcefulness yourself to face whatever fear-inducing state of affairs in your life, your self-esteem goes upward, your self-respect increases, and your sense of personal pride grows. You somewhen reach the point in life where yous are not afraid of anything .

About the Author : Brian Tracy is i of America's most respected authorities on developing organizational and man potential.  He is the top selling author of over l books that have been translated into dozens of languages. His insights in to leadership, personal effectiveness, business organisation strategy, and success psychology, which he presents to more than half a million people around the world each year in his talks and seminars, produce immediate changes and long-term results. His experience, combined with his effective ability to inform, entertain, inspire and motivate audiences, makes him one of the superlative speakers and trainers in the world today.

Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. For more information, please visit:


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