Eldred Central School District Is in What County

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November 22, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is to inform you that Monday, February 7, 2022 conference day has been moved to Monday, February 14, 2022, therefore there will be no school for students on February 14th however there will be school for all students on February 7th, 2022.

We will remind you when we get close to the February 7th date, however we wanted to provide this information in a timely manner so that you may plan accordingly.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

5 Year Fiscal Board Presentation PowerPoint and Spreadsheet
November 18, 2021

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October 28, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you are likely aware, the Governor has mandated that all non-vaccinated employees be tested for COVID-19 each week. The mandate also requires schools to offer to parents, weekly testing for students who are not vaccinated.  In order for your child to receive weekly COVID-19 testing, you must go to the testing site of the company that we are using for testing and register your child. The arrangement for testing is between you and the testing company. The school district will then receive your request and consent from Affinity and we will test your child weekly until the mandate ends or until you withdraw consent. It is important for you to understand that if you desire this service, your child will be tested weekly. You may not have them test some weeks and not others.

If you have any questions, please contact me or your child's principal. I have included the link below. If you wish to participate, go to the site and register, you will need to register by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 8, 2021. Make sure that you select either Eldred Junior/Senior High School or Mackenzie Elementary school. After you complete the registration process, please contact your child's school nurse to inform the nurse that you have completed the registration. All testing occurs in the nurse's office at the child's school. We anticipate beginning student testing on November 16th. You will be notified of any positive result of the testing. You may visit the site to seek your child's results. If it says "no result" then the *pool of all the tests was negative. If it says negative, then your child's individual sample revealed a negative result. If it is positive, you will see that and you will likely have already received a call regarding the positive result.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and remember that this is strictly voluntary on your part and in no way will not taking part be an issue.

Pool = all the samples for the testing event are pooled together and the entire sample is analyzed. Only if the pooled sample is positive does Affinity analyze the individual results.

To opt into the program, please visit the following site by copying the link below

 (to search institution, please search by zip code of JSHS - 12732 or GR Mackenzie - 12737)


The registration process takes less than 5 minutes.

For a short video guide on "how to" complete the registration/consent, activate your child's online account to view results: View Video Here .

Sincerely yours,

John C. Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Affinity COVID-19 Testing Questions and Answers

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September 21, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I want to correct what I told you recently about COVID testing for your child by the school district.

In my recent communications to you, I indicated that your child's name and personally identifiable information would remain within the school district. I am now informed that such is not the case. This differs from the information that I was originally given. It appears that your relationship between you as the parent and Affinity is outside the school's control. Should you elect to have us administer the test to your child and we send it off to Affinity, that is the end of the school's involvement in the process.

Please remember that your participation in having your child tested by the school is strictly voluntary and is a personal decision.

We anticipate that we will begin to offer this service to parents beginning in about four weeks. Please understand that when the time comes that we can offer you this service, that you fully understand that should your child test positive, the results along with your child's name and other information that you provide, will be sent to the health department. The health department will then address the results directly with you. I anticipate that the health department will also contact the school district for contact tracing should that be necessary.

I have always been open and honest with you and I wanted to correct what I told you earlier. Once again, when the time comes to offer this service that it is totally voluntary on your part. You may wish to visit the Affinity Empowering site for more information.

Thank you,

John Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

mask pic

 Beginning September 15, 2021

Due to the increasing numbers of
COVID-19 cases.

Face coverings are required upon
entering the Fitness Center at the JSHS.

Eldred Logo

September 9, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

In an attempt for you to have the same information regarding COVID as we do, I am posting the 12-page Guidance document from the NYS Department of Health. (link below)

Should you have any questions regarding any aspect of this document, you may reach out to your child's building principal or me.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Eldred Logo

Dear Parents and Guardians,                                                         August 12, 2021

Covid-19 continues to be a factor in our schools and community. The CDC, the State Education Department, and the Health Department have made suggestions for dealing with Covid-19  in our schools but have left the responsibility and the final decisions to Superintendents and Boards of Education. I have reviewed the various recommendations and suggestions from the agencies identified above and we have decided the following.

  1. Masks will be required of anyone in our school buildings. Since vaccinated individuals can still spread the virus to others, they too are required to wear a mask anytime they are in the school buildings.
  2. We will continue to follow our practice of taking temperatures of everyone entering the school buildings.
  3. We will follow the CDC guidelines regarding social distancing of 3 feet whenever possible.
  4. We are NOT going to ask students or parents if they have taken the vaccine, had Covid-19 in the past, or other personal questions since we are acting in a proactive way with the precautions mentioned above.
  5. There will be no hybrid instruction. All students are expected in school every day. This is similar to what NYC, the states of Connecticut and New Jersey, and others have decided.
  6. We will continue the practice of spraying our busses every evening so that each day we will begin with clean and germ-free or germs minimized busses. We will also deep clean our classrooms every evening as we did last year.

We believe that our precautions offer a good deal of prevention and when there is a case, we can contact trace and follow the Health Department guidelines for responding to a case of covid-19 in our schools. Should you have any questions regarding this response to covid-19, please contact my office and we can discuss this response plan.

My first priority is the safety of our students. Sometimes what we must do in order to achieve that goal may be difficult and or not popular. After 46 years in education, I think I know how to keep students safe. They will always be my first priority. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Please Check This Out

Eldred Central School District made some Phone/Fax Number Changes:

phone number update

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August 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. We have been working on strategies to improve academic outcomes. Our goal is to be the best we can be for every child. As we seek to improve our academic program we will not lose sight of the needs of the individual child. If you should have any questions about our plan to grow academically, just ask your principal and they can delve into the details. We live in a very competitive world and our children deserve the best education that can be provided. This is why we are here. I hope that you will support our goals for growth because without your support our efforts will not succeed.

Now for some COVID information. It is our intent to require masks be worn by everyone in our schools. Since vaccinated individuals can still spread the virus, those individuals need to wear a mask as well. My number one priority is to protect our students. I want you to rest assured that your child/children are safe when they are here. It is also our intent to have in person learning for every child. The hybrid model whereby some students come to the school building while others work from home is not ideal and as have other states and NYC, we are going to be all in-person. If we need to use snow days and when we exhaust all of our days we may consider on-line for everyone rather than take time from the scheduled breaks. Our kids and their parents had a rough year last year and I do not underestimate the importance of breaks when families can get together and celebrate life.

My door is always open so if you would like to come in and discuss anything please feel free to do so. We have a great teaching faculty and staff and it is my pleasure to work with them for the benefit of your child/children.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Morgano Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Morgano's Picture

Congratulations Superintendent Dr. Morgano!

Superintendent of the Eldred Central School District, Dr. John C. Morgano was recently informed, that he is to receive an Award for Excellence in Administration from the Mid-Hudson School Study Council (MHSSC).

The MHSSC commended and thanked him for his commitment to the community, school, and students.  Dr. Morgano is the leader of our school which plays a critical role within Eldred's District, as he has a passion for doing what is best for students and the community.

Dr. John C. Morgano has been the Superintendent of Eldred Central School District for the past 4 years and possesses over 35 years of experience in education.  John is a leader who demonstrates and creates trust and loyalty from all constituents.  He is kind, patient, and forthcoming with new ideas that structure a charismatic educational community.  John has the unique ability to adapt to change, not by directing, but rather by teaching, supporting, and conferring to a positive and kind environment.  John is an outstanding leader not only in how he interacts with staff, faculty, and community members but his unwavering dedication to students.


Sullivan County Public Health Services and Sullivan BOCES have hosted a School Community Forum on Wednesday, Nov. 4 to provide answers to commonly asked COVID-19 related question.

Public Health staff explained what to expect if you test positive for COVID-19  or if your or a family member is exposed to someone who has tested positive. They explained contact tracing; the difference between isolation and quarantine, and where you can get tested.

If you would like to view the meeting, please click the link below.

Sullivan County Public Health Services clarifies when to quarantine, or isolate as COVID-19 cases rise

Please visit:  https://sullivanny.us/Departments/Publichealth/Coronavirus   for up to date information.

When Should I Quarantine?

Health Department staff remind residents that quarantine is used to keep someone who has been exposed to the virus (and who might be contagious even without symptoms), from spreading it to others.

Quarantine is for people who been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 and requires staying at home for at least 14 days while monitoring symptoms. During this time period an individual could develop active infection and become contagious. The average incubation period is 5 to 7 days, but it could take up to the 14th day.

A "close contact" means that you were within six feet of a COVID-19 positive patient for more than 15 minutes, provided care to someone with COVID-19, had direct physical contact, shared utensils or cups, or were directly sneezed or coughed on by someone diagnosed with COVID-19 .

If you become symptomatic and get tested you should be on quarantineuntil those results come back. That includes if you have had a rapid COVID-19 test and a PCR.  Individuals must wait for BOTH results to come back prior to resuming normal activities. A negative rapid test does not mean you are cleared, both tests must come back negative.

When Should I Isolate?

Isolation is for people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and requires people to stay in their homes for at least 10 days while monitoring symptoms.

"People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, and monitor their health," said Nancy McGraw, Public Health Director.  "Please note that if you get tested during quarantine, you will still need to complete the full period even with a negative COVID test result."

Source: Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. (2020, March 10). New study on COVID-19 estimates 5.1 days for incubation period: Median time from exposure to symptoms affirms earlier estimates and supports CDC's current 14-day quarantine period. Science Daily. Retrieved November 16, 2020 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200310164744.htm

AOK Button

smiley 2 thumbs up

October 2021 Recipients
Curtis Kramer
Caleb Smith
Carter Mendies
Jacob Tice
Jeffrey Morgan
Ksenia Sosnowski
Rebecca Murray
Jalissa Bush
Tori Kaiser

September 2021 Recipients
Josiah Perez


As I have said many times in the past, the Eldred community is full of nice, kind kids with good parents.

We are not reminded of that fact often enough.

Our schools have a number of programs that stress the positive actions of our students. (Please see the list below).

I would like to take that a bit further. We are going to begin a couple of initiatives. Please find the button on our webpage where students, teachers, staff and parents can be "acknowledged" for doing something good for someone else and/or the community. It doesn't have to be something extraordinary - just an action that makes someone's day just a little easier. It can be anonymous or you can give your name.

We will be sharing this information with everyone at our monthly BOE meeting. (Those individuals identified as "AOK" will be acknowledged at a BOE meeting, of course, we will check with the person who was "made known on AOK" to be sure they want to be publicly acknowledged. Some people like to keep their good deeds quiet.)

We will call this button the  Acts of Kindness "AOK" button (please click).

In the same vein, we will have boxes at each school where this information can be dropped into the box.

We are all on this journey together. It's important we support each other. You may click on the icon below.

Dr. John C. Morgano

AOK Button


In an effort to provide you with factual information regarding our efforts to make our schools the positive learning environment we all want for our children, I present the following initiatives that are occurring in our elementary and JSHS school.

A course is being offered for teachers to design an elementary addendum to the Code of Conduct that will be more aligned with the needs of elementary school students and reduce the frequency of problematic behaviors.

GRM initiatives:

  • Walk and talks
  • Brief individual counseling
  • Brief small group counseling
  • Conflict resolution/peer mediation
  • Anger management
  • Emotion identification
  • Social skills training
  • Worry warriors/coping strategies for the anxious
  • Coping strategies for grief/loss
  • Teacher and parent consults
  • Resources and referral
  • Grounding techniques, breathing sets, mindfulness, visualization
  • Heavy work/sensory breaks
  • Think sheets
  • Behavior contracts
  • Positive reinforcement plans
  • Token economies/group contingencies
  • Model: ignoring, effective commands, acknowledging expectations and verbal reinforcement, attention grabbing signals
  • SEL lessons – small group or whole class by invitation
  • Post positive potty papers
  • Provided Principal with wall clings with positive affirmations

Have done in past

  • Restorative circles
  • Restorative justice
  • Yoga4classrooms
  • Bibliotherapy/writing to address trauma

All Grade Levels K-6

  • Social-emotional learning lessons on Mondays
  • PATHS curriculums
  • Choose LOVE (it introduces courage, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion)
  • Peer mediation
  • Role play during counseling sessions
  • Model positive behavior and social skills
  • School Resource Officers (SROs)
  • DARE Program
  • "Too Good For" program (10 week program providing 1st grade resources to address social emotional learning experiences.

PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Mackenzie

  • PBIS follows Mackenzie Manners: Be safe, Be respectful, and Be responsible
  • Big BEE and Little BEE awards monthly for 2 students that show Mackenzie Manners throughout the month.  Golden trophy awards are presented to the 2 classes that exemplify the best teamwork during PE classes for the month.
  • Quarterly Caring Classmate awards are presented to students in the primary grades exemplifying kindness and empathy to their peers.
  • Individual classroom teachers employ their own reward systems.  Some examples include prize boxes, happy cards, high fives, and tickets.
  • Logical Consequences are being created and will hopefully be implemented in September.  These will be created by the teachers under the guidance of Dr. Morgano.
  • Socktober sock drive
  • December PJ drive
  • "Soup"er Bowl donations
  • Koala and Kangaroo collection for Australia


JSHS initiatives:

  • Counselors are visible and available during lunches
  • Coping skills
  • Meet with counselors individually
  • Work on calming and de-escalating skills
  • Teaching positive self-talk and positive self-image
  • Teach respect rights and responsibility
  • Try to breakdown social situations to assist in building social skills
  • School Resource Officers (SROs)

PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) JSHS

  • Welcome Back ice cream social at the beginning of the school year and an end of the year ice cream social.
  • Winter Welcome back with donuts and coffee coming back from winter break.

Activities to build kindness, empathy, and compassion run by PBIS:

  • Homecoming Week/Spirit Week where the classes dress up to show unity.
  • Pep rally - students learn about all of the clubs/sports that are available to students. Classes merge together, play games to show cooperation.
  • Color Wars (spring) classes work together to compete against other classes.
  • "Soup"er Bowl  donations
  • Student of the Week
  • PBIS is working on "What to do" videos modeling the positive behaviors of the PBIS matrix once completed will be posted in a Google Drive for all teachers to be able to incorporate with their lessons throughout the year

PBIS have done in past

  • Peer mentoring program which we match 7th graders with upperclassmen to mentor them through their first year at the high school.


District initiatives:

  • Character building/Anti-bullying Speaker
  • DASA Training – 6 hour course for all staff
  • DASA Training Program for community members
  • Suicide Prevention training for staff
  • Suicide Awareness implementation
  • Speaking with students to educate them on bullying
  • Open door policy for students to speak with Superintendent, Principals, Counselors on topics such as bullying of self or others
  • "A O K" (Acts Of Kindness) button on the District webpage seeks to focus on and increase positive behaviors

school safe clipart

The Eldred Central School District takes emergency preparedness very seriously. We have a comprehensive safety plan that assists our staff and Emergency Responders to respond swiftly should an emergency occur. We provide ongoing crisis management training to school administrators and other key staff members throughout the school.

Emergency response plans are in place at the school. An Emergency Response Team oversees the plan, and team members have assigned roles and responsibilities should an emergency occur. The team meets regularly to review procedures and conduct annual training and drills so that students and staff are aware of the most effective and safe emergency response.

Report An Incident

Eldred Central School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment free from harassment, bullying and discrimination for all students. The District encourages the involvement of staff, students, parents and community members in the implementation and reinforcement of the Dignity for All Students Act ("DASA").
If you believe you, or someone else, has been the target of harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or discrimination, please use this form to report all allegations.
School/district personnel witnessing an incident or receiving a report of an incident must complete and submit this written report within two (2) school days. NOTE: School/district personnel must also orally notify the principal, superintendent or their designee no later than one school day after witnessing or receiving a report of an incident. In order to qualify under DASA, the offense must be in violation of one or more of the protected classes that are: race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender and sex. The law applies whether an individual actually belongs or is perceived by others to be part of a protected class.
All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Anonymous reports may limit the district's ability to respond to the complaint. A prompt and thorough investigation will be conducted for all incident reports.
Please complete this form and return it to a school administrator or Dignity Act Coordinator.

Every student should look forward to coming to school and see school as a safe place.

Stop think act clipart Eldred CSD- DASA Incident Reporting Form (Click)

Website Accessibility For Our Users

It is the goal of the Eldred Central School District that the information contained in our website be accessible to all individuals, including those with visual, hearing or cognitive disabilities. Our aim is to comply with current New York State standards on website accessibility. (New York State OFT Policy, P04-002, Accessibility of State Agency Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications). To this end, we are in the process of reviewing our site and modifying pages that are found to have accessibility issues. The majority of pages in our site are available in HTML format that can be deciphered by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format. To convert these documents to a more accessible format, please visit Adobe's online PDF conversion web page. If you are unable to access any page(s) in our site, please contact our Superintendent, Dr. John C. Morgano by phone: 845-456-1100 ext. 5296, email: morganoj@eldred.k12.ny.us  , or mail: 600 Route 55, Eldred, NY with the location of the page or document you were attempting to access and we will do our best to provide it to you in a better format. Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number so we may follow-up with you. Thank you.

Eldred Central School District Is in What County

Source: https://www.eldred.k12.ny.us/#:~:text=Situated%20in%20the%20southern%20part,top%20performing%20in%20the%20nation.

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