Black Ops 3 Zombies Shadows of Eavil Solo Easter Egg

Shadows of Evil

Requires 4 players!!

This Easter Egg is a bit tough to complete. The main reason is that all 4 players must complete a few of the steps. In other maps, sometimes 1 skilled player can complete most of the steps solo and the EE will still advance. But in this one, each player must obtain an egg and upgrade a special weapon to advance the EE. So it's in your best interests to try and work together to maximize points and only kill zombies if you need to.

The basic premise of this map is that you must first access PaP and release the Shadowman. Then you collect swords and upgrade them while doing a few other things to try and trap the Shadowman so he can't take over the world.

Here are the steps to completing this EE: (Also note that you can work on Steps 2 & 3 during the same time that you work on Step 1)

Step 1: Complete the rituals to unlock the Pack-a-Punch machine.

There is actually a trophy for doing this step, so here is the link to the description in the main guide:

The Beginning of the End Trophy

Basically you need to open every area of the map, find the ritual items, and then complete each ritual. It is entirely possible to do this on round 1 with a smart group of players, so try to do so as it will make the next few steps easier due to the lower rounds. I also recommend using the train to get between each area because you'll need to look for some symbols for step 2.

Step 2: Use the train to find the 3 symbols and unlock the Eggs.

You'll have to take the train twice in order to find all 3 symbols. There is one symbol along the path to each station, and you must keep track of which ones you find.

There are random maps located all around the areas that show 3 little question marks to mark where the 3 symbols are. The locations do not change, but the symbols themselves are randomized each game.

Here are their locations:

  • Footlight District – As the train is leaving the station, it is on the left side in a window after the first bend.
  • Waterfront District – In a window on the right side as soon as you leave the station.
  • Canals District – On the left side after leaving the station, in a circular window.

Once you have seen all 3 symbols, head underground. From the Beast Mode altar, head clockwise along the lower floor to see a wall with a bunch of different symbols on it. You must then zap the 3 correct symbols with :l2:. If done correctly, the wall will open and inside will be 4 swords with little Eggs inside as well. Each player needs to pick up an Egg.

Step 3: Power up the Eggs and get the Swords.

There are 4 statues around the map that you must find. At first they are hidden inside giant boxes that must be smashed with the Beast, so you'll need to do that before completing this step. What you need to do is put your Egg into each statue and kill zombies near it until it stops collecting souls. You can do them in any order but it will probably take around 3-5 rounds for all players to finish.

Here are the statue locations:

  • Footlight – In the first room of the district, underneath the upper floor.
  • Waterfront – In the room with the perk machine, in the back left corner.
  • Canals – Near the Ruby Rabbit ritual site and a Best Mode fountain.
  • Underground – Right in front of where you get the Eggs from.

Once your Egg is finished, bring it back to where you got it and you will collect your sword!

Step 4: Upgrade the Swords.

This step can be started once you first get your sword, and is completed when all players have upgraded their swords. In order to do so, you first must go to your character's ritual spot. A Keeper will be there and you will collect an orange egg.

In order to upgrade the swords, you must go to specific spots around the map and kill Margwas as part of a ritual. Once you find a spot you will press :square: on it to place the orange egg, and then the Margwas will spawn.

There are 4 spots to go to, but each person can only do 1 per round so it will take a minimum of 4 rounds to complete this step. Note that if one player is doing their ritual, the others will have to wait until all Margwas are dead before starting theirs. Also note that sometimes the game glitches in a good way to allow you to do 2 rituals in 1 round. It is unknown what causes this but if it happens then you can finish the step quicker. (User manic has stated that if you go down during this step, this may cause the beneficial glitch to happen!)

Here are the 4 locations (note that almost all of them are in the same locations as the rituals in Step 1):

  • Footlight – Right in front of the Burlesque ritual location.
  • Waterfront – Right at the docks in front of the Boxing Ring ritual location.
  • Canals – At the bottom of the stairs to the Ruby Rabbit ritual location.
  • Junction – In front of the entrance leading back to Easy Street (Spawn).

Once you have completed all 4 Margwa rituals, you must head to your character's original ritual room, and a Keeper ghost will be there to upgrade your sword for you with :square:.

Step 5: The Flag Step.

This is the hardest step of the EE. You will be using a flag and carrying it around the map while fending off nonstop waves of enemies and the Shadowman. Not only that, but it must be repeated a total of 4 times (1 per round) to finish this step.

First you need the flag, to get it go to Nero's room (the ritual room above the spawn). Near his bookcase will be a book on the ground. Interact with it with :square:, and the flag will appear downstairs in the underground, in the open area near Widow's Wine.

Now you must pick up the flag with :square:. As soon as you do, every enemy in the map will die and instead will be replaced by an infinite amount of enemy RAPS and parasites.

You have to bring the flag to purple electric glowing spots around the map and kill enemies nonstop while it powers up. There are 2 purple spots per district and then you bring the flag to that area's ritual room to finish that segment.

If the Shadowman appears, attack him as fast as possible or he will destroy the flag and you'll have to start over. If the flag breaks, you just need to head back downstairs and grab another one. You can attempt this as many times as needed per round, but once you complete 1 segment, you have to wait a round before doing the next.

When the flag is done at each electrical spot, you will hear a loud high pitched noise, so pick up the flag immediately with :square: and bring it to the next one. A Max Ammo also spawns every time you finish an electrical spot so don't be afraid to waste ammo.

When you bring the flag to a ritual room, a Keeper will spawn in and it will head down to the PaP area, this is how you can tell that you completed that segment. Once you have done this for all 4 Keepers, the hardest part is done!

Step 6: Boss fight!

Now that all 4 Keepers are down below, you must hold :square: on each one to start the fight. Note that zombies and Margwas will spawn constantly during this fight.

The Shadowman will appear with a shield around him, and the Keepers will attack him to remove the shield.

When the shield is down, fire all your powerful weapons at him and he will teleport around. Keep attacking him until he teleports towards the Summoning Table. Once he reaches the table, hold :square: on the Summoning Key and he will be trapped in it, completing this step.

If you fail to capture him in time, the Keepers will deactivate and you'll need to hold :square: on them again to attack him. You can attempt this as many times as needed, but be careful that you don't run out of ammo doing this.

Step 7: The Final Step!

Once the Shadowman is captured inside the Key, the round will be at a standstill and only Margwas will spawn. After a player kills a Margwa, all the Beast Mode altars will turn purple for the person, and they will be able to turn into Beast Mode for an infinite amount of time. (Note that Barsoomian has stated that anyone can kill a Margwa, not just each person; ie only 4 total need to be killed by anyone)

Note that also during this step occasionally you will take damage and can die out. In order to avoid this, there will be white glowing wisps around the map that you can walk into to stop you from dying. You will need to do this every few minutes.

Each player needs to be able to turn into a Beast, but have only 3 of the players turn into a Beast at first (the 4th person still needs to kill a Margwa, so don't use the Beast Mode altar yet).

Have each person in Beast Mode go to a train station in each district. At each station, there will be a small box that you can zap, and it will electrify the entire track (feel free to test them out as practice since nothing bad will happen).

Once all the Beast players are in position, the last player will need to go to any train station and summon the train. The Beast players need to zap the track so that it is blue everywhere.

Then at least 1 Beast player needs to go to the middle of the Junction. There will be 3 Keepers there and they need to be zapped while the train is above.

If done correctly, they will fire a giant beam at the monster in the sky. Then a cutscene will start and the EE is completed!

Edited by Jerry Appleby
Editorial Sweep

Black Ops 3 Zombies Shadows of Eavil Solo Easter Egg


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